Tag: calling

Gospel Audacity Today


The word audacious hardly brings to mind serenity or comfort. Nobody ever claims to have an...
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Talented Pastors and the Plurality Principle


Apple employees coined the term “reality distortion field” to describe Steve Jobs’s ability to twist any fact to fit his own purpose....
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The Call To Suffering


What comes to your mind when you consider the call to pastoral ministry? Preaching God’s truth to a rapt audience? Delivering dazzling...
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The Call From The Seminary To The Pulpit


Recently I received an email with an attention-grabbing question. It came from an influential...
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I’m Done With Seminary…Now What?


The most difficult aspect of seminary had nothing to do with parsing verbs in the Greek subjunctive mood. It wasn’t trying to keep up...
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A Prayer To Propel You Into The New Year


Whether you’re an established pastor or just beginning your exploration of pastoral calling, let this prayer from The Valley of...
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Lessons on Church Planting from the Prince of Preachers


A Majestic Vision Charles Spurgeon was crazy-busy on steroids. In addition to his duties as pastor...
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What Should You Do If You Feel Called To Ministry?


You have a desire to plant a church or be in pastoral ministry. You would even say you feel “called” to ministry. But it...
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You Can’t Get Into Ministry By Trying To Get Into Ministry


Most careers travel a traditional path to the top. Being a lawyer starts with getting a law degree. Then comes the Bar Exam, and if you...
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Calling Question: How Do I Prepare My Heart to Preach?


For today’s “Calling Question”, Dave addresses the tension the preacher confronts each week...
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