About Dave

DAVE HARVEY (D. Min – Westminster Theological Seminary) serves as the president of Great Commission Collective, a church planting ministry in the US, Canada and abroad. In his 33 years of ministry, Dave was president of Sojourn Network, oversaw church planting, church care & international outreach for Sovereign Grace Churches, was a lead pastor for 19 years, and pastored for a total of 33 years. He is also the founder of AmICalled.com. Dave presently serves on the board for the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF) and has traveled nationally and internationally doing conferences where he teaches Christians, trains pastors & church planters and conducts marriage events.

Dave served as general editor for the Sojourn Network ‘How-To’ series and contributes regularly at The Gospel CoalitionDesiring God, and For the Church.  Dave is the author of When Sinners Say I DoAm I Called?, Rescuing Ambition,Letting Go: Rugged Love For Wayward Soul (co-authored w/ Paul Gilbert), and  I STILL DO! Growing Closer and Stronger Through Life’s Defining MomentsThe Plurality Principle, and the upcoming release from Zondervan, Stronger Together: Seven Partnership Virtues and the Vices that Subvert Them.

Married for 40 years, Dave and Kimm live in southwest Florida.

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