Coaching & Consulting

Coaching and Consulting

“Interested in seeing transformation in your life, ministry or church in areas that take you to greater fruitfulness? Want to experience specialized training or coaching in areas of leadership, preaching, marriage, plurality, or any of the themes Dave has written about?

Dave will soon be available for coaching or consultation in several essential areas of ministry and church development. After 30+ years of pastoring, leading a church, leading networks, counseling, training leaders and working with church planters, Dave will be converting his experience, insight and content into the work of ministry coaching and church consulting. Levels of coaching and consultation will include:

  • Personal coaching and training in: Preaching, Leadership, Calling and the contents of each of his books.
  • Weekend intensives with your church, leaders or staff
  • Distance consultation for individuals or small groups.

If you’re interested in having Dave help you experience qualitative growth in your ministry, please subscribe to the newsletter to get updates on when Dave will begin to offer these services.

(Visited 235 times, 1 visits today)
Last modified: April 8, 2024

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