Slouching Towards Saul When Selecting Leaders
In 1 Samuel 16, we find Samuel weeping. God’s people have recently rejected the counsel of the...
We Need You! The Cost of NOT Caring for Pastors
GCC’s annual Senior Pastors and Wives Retreat takes place this week. It’s one important way we try to express care for ministry...
The Day Pascal Caught Fire
In the lingo of modern sports, Blaise Pascal “had game.” But rather than an impressive batting average or vertical leap, his...
Grace in a Bug Bite
One night several years ago, my foot began to itch. Looking down, I saw a mosquito bite on my toe....
The Gospel in Five Fingers
Have you ever thought of using your hand as a tool to share the gospel? It may sound strange, but i…
Our Church Wants a Plurality of Elders, But We Don’t Know Where to Start
“A thrilling frenzy of restless exhilaration!” That’s how John described his life as a church planter. Living Faith Community, the...
Talented Pastors and the Plurality Principle
Apple employees coined the term “reality distortion field” to describe Steve Jobs’s ability...
25 Books for Church Planters
Church planting is a high and arduous calling. Whether you’re just starting out, or have been at it for some time now, you know just...
What Impact Does Church Have on My Motivation for Serving God?
It’s happening all over the country. About 40% of church attenders have not returned to church, with some respectable pollsters...
The Pandemic Poem For Pastors
As a new pastor trying to make sense of the unexpected trials in ministry, I read Spiritual...