The Beauty of Replacing Yourself
“Lead the way!” Those are, essentially, Moses’s final command to Joshua. At 120 years, Moses...
Slouching Towards Saul When Selecting Leaders
In 1 Samuel 16, we find Samuel weeping. God’s people have recently rejected the counsel of the old prophet. Samuel acquiesced to their...
Gospel Audacity Today
The word audacious hardly brings to mind serenity or comfort. Nobody ever claims to have an audacious sleep or an audacious moment of...
We Need You! The Cost of NOT Caring for Pastors
GCC’s annual Senior Pastors and Wives Retreat takes place this week. It’s one important way we...
When My Rights Make Me Wrong
Allow me to introduce you to Otto. Otto was a long-time worship leader at his church who set his sights week in and week out on faithfully...
Leaders, Don’t Give Up!
One of the epic scenes depicting failure comes from the 1999 movie October Sky. The movie tells the story of Homer Hickam, a young man who...
The Paradox of Humble Ambition
I love humility, which is why I advocate so loudly for ambition. Not the narcissistic variety you...
The Day Pascal Caught Fire
In the lingo of modern sports, Blaise Pascal “had game.” But rather than an impressive batting average or vertical leap, his...
The Emptied Self Today
Log online, watch the news, or just check out the latest Netflix blockbuster. “Self” is, quite literally,…everywhere....
Can I Be Voted Into the Hall of Faith?
Do you know what it takes to get into the Baseball Hall of Fame? Less than you probably think. Here...