What Makes The Great Commission So Great? (Part 2)
Part One In the previous post, I talked about two of the reasons the Great Commission is so...
What Makes The Great Commission Great?
Part Two I was converted in the year 1979. A lot of people know the day and time of coming to Christ, but not me. All I know is that...
Rescuing Ambition in the Workplace – Part 2
A few years ago I wrote the book Rescuing Ambition and called for a rescue. I wanted to snatch ambition from the heap of failed...
Rescuing Ambition In the Workplace
A few years ago I wrote the book Rescuing Ambition and called for a rescue. I wanted to snatch...
Planting Churches That Last: Study The Past
The best car I ever owned was a ’72 Chrysler Valiant. My wife, Kimm, called it the “Wonder V,” as in, “I wonder why you think I...
Pastor, God Gets You
I have always loved having the honor of preaching at a Good Friday service. During one particular Good Friday message, I made a passing...
Redeeming ‘Whatever’ (Part 2)
Part One “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever...
Redeeming ‘Whatever” (Part 1)
Part Two “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is...
If You Want To Be A Leader, You’ve Got To Be A Reader
You’re a pastor, aspiring pastor, or church planter, which means you’re busy. Not to go all DeYoung on you, but you’re “crazy...
How To Plan Out A Sermon Series
An email appeared in my box the other day with a question bursting with relevance: “I’m...