I’m Done With Seminary…Now What?
The most difficult aspect of seminary had nothing to do with parsing verbs in the Greek subjunctive...
Pastoring in a Pandemic
As of this writing, the world is churning from the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. Churches and pastors, assuming perhaps they might face a...
3 Questions to Ask About Forgiveness
Forgiveness is rarely instantaneous. The words “I forgive you” are freely offered with a faith towards God, but we all know they can...
3 Quick Ways Churches Can Help Newlyweds
Parents, pastors and pre-marital counselors, lend me your ear. The next 5 minutes of reading could...
6 Surprises Every Premarital Counselor Should Cover
This article was originally published on The Gospel Coalition. Kimm and I had one premarital session before our wedding. It lasted maybe...
How Do You Preach The Gospel In Your Marriage?
In this short video, Dave tackles the important question: How do you preach the gospel in your marriage? ...
Love Might Win the Wayward in Your Life
The following article is an excerpt from Letting Go, a book I wrote with Paul Gilbert that was...
Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Is The Holy Spirit Pushing You Toward Preaching?
Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Preaching Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps to frame one of the most difficult questions facing the soul-stirred potential...
How Much Should a Pastor Tell His Wife?
This article was originally published on The Gospel Coalition. Every church leader has been there. We arrive home after an excruciating...
A Call To Ministry Is A Call To Preach To The Lost
The gospel is for everyone, which means the summons to be a pastor doesn’t stop with the...