When Honor Becomes Toxic
Toxic honor. You’ve seen it. I know I have. In fact I’ve done it. The public introductions that...
Don’t Let Ambitions Be The Victim Of “Humility”
When we’re talking about humility and ambition we’re usually talking about a spiritual crime scene. Ambition starts out in business...
Important Ministry Lessons Learned In 2014
In a phrase that is often used more than pondered, George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to...
The Celebrity Pastor Problem: From Mars Hill To Me
It’s not about popularity, this celebrity thing. If that was the case, then Jesus himself could...
What Mark Driscoll Really Needs Right Now
I’m not an Acts 29 insider, and I don’t know anyone working for Mars Hill. So my perspective is not from the front row, or even mid-row...