Zack Eswine talks The Imperfect Pastor
In this episode of the “Am I Called?” podcast, Dave talks to Dr. Zack Eswine, author, pastor of...
Ashley Madison, the Gospel and Facing Spectacular Failure
All failure lands hard. But there’s an exceptional type of failure – of the Ashley Madison variety – that publicly exposes one’s...
Sam Allberry Talks Pastoral Ministry and Same-Sex Attraction
Sam Allberry is a wonderful gift to the church. Sam is the Associate Minister of St. Mary’s Church, Maidenhead, and the author of Is God...
Moving Toward A Merciful Ministry
I recently read that, since 1996, wealthy countries have forgiven nearly $110 billion dollars in...
When Training Men For Ministry, You Must Be Aware Of These Dangers
Coaching the next generation of pastors is critical for every generation that desires to see the continuation of healthy churches in the...
Three Distortions That Can Destroy Your Ministry
There are certain things you can be absolutely sure of. The Cleveland Browns will always be the cellar dwellers of the AFC North. Rocky I...
The Path To Pastoral Ministry Is A Path Of Forgiveness
When a guy is drafted into the NFL, he is keenly aware that his future includes some serious pain....
When Honor Becomes Toxic
Toxic honor. You’ve seen it. I know I have. In fact I’ve done it. The public introductions that went way too long, the private praise...
Don’t Let Ambitions Be The Victim Of “Humility”
When we’re talking about humility and ambition we’re usually talking about a spiritual crime scene. Ambition starts out in business...
Important Ministry Lessons Learned In 2014
In a phrase that is often used more than pondered, George Santayana once said, “Those who...