Calling Questions: How Should A Very Young Man Think About Potential Ministry?
In light of the overwhelming response to the Am I Called podcast, we decided to create something...
Help! My Husband Might Be Called To Ministry!
This post was written by my wife, Kimm. — If you’re reading this, chances are, you’ve already had “the conversation”. You...
Missional Living & Pastoral Calling–An Interview With Pete Greasley
In the latest episode of the Am I Called podcast, Dave interviewed his friend, Pete Greasley. Pete Greasley has led Christchurch since it...
What Mark Driscoll Really Needs Right Now
I’m not an Acts 29 insider, and I don’t know anyone working for Mars Hill. So my perspective is...
A Pastor Has Got To Be Able To Preach
When you look at the list of qualifications for elders in the New Testament, it is pretty unremarkable. Not unimportant, and certainly not...