Zack Eswine talks The Imperfect Pastor
In this episode of the “Am I Called?” podcast, Dave talks to Dr. Zack Eswine, author, pastor...
Are We Accidental Continuationists?
Charles Spurgeon’s first encounter with spiritual gifts came in a manner that seemed pretty random, maybe even ‘accidental’. When...
Soldiers and Saints
Note: My son, Tyler, is in the military, currently deployed in Afghanistan. Over the past several years, Tyler has mentioned various...
Russell Moore Talks Cultural Engagement & the Pastorate
In this episode of the “Am I Called” podcast, Dave talks with Russell Moore, President...
The Plurality Dashboard (Part Two)
Part One In my last post, we talked about the first two check engine lights that will help your elders build a healthier culture, and in...
Am I Next?: Reflections For Lead Pastors On The Latest Celebrity Tumble
I’m sitting in the Louisville airport reading a news release about the fall of another high-profile pastor. A week rarely passes without...
Richard Blackaby Talks Leadership and Ministry
In this episode of the “Am I Called” podcast, Dave talks with Richard Blackaby—author...
The Plurality Dashboard (Part One)
Part Two Inspecting the Engine of Plurality Some men plant churches and slide into a plurality of elders through a slow and measured...
La conclusión de un sermón es un momento peligroso para el predicador. Él acaba de pasar de 30 a 45 minutos en un diluvio expositivo,...
Shepherding Pro-Bono – Why Lay Elders Matter
I know, I know. For some this title smacks of discovering the obvious, like waking up to finally...