God’s Big Win for Your Life
Have you ever thought about what God’s long-term aim is for your life? Do you know what it is?...
The Astounding Family That Awaits Us
Okay, I’m going to say something that may sound unsettling, but I want you to think about it. Are you ready? The whole idea of...
The Twin Truths Beneath Contentment
Learning defines much of our lives. We mark educational moments — graduations from kindergarten, elementary, middle school, high school,...
Every Good Parent Will Have Regrets: Advice to My 30-Year-Old Self
What would I tell my younger self about parenting? Being invited to write on that question is akin...
3 Questions to Ask About Forgiveness
Forgiveness is rarely instantaneous. The words “I forgive you” are freely offered with a faith towards God, but we all know they can...
The Neglected Competency Within Your Leadership Calling
“God has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:6). Competence. We...
Become What You Are Declared to Be!
Walk. Walk. Walk. Walk. Four times in the latter half of Ephesians Paul commands the church to...
What Unbelief Sounds Like
“Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!”. Alas, a prayer I have prayed many times (and you probably have too). It can be a commendable...
Living From Approval, Not For Approval
Let me ask you a question: What do you think God feels about you right now? Irritation over your flaws — that tendency towards gluttony,...
The Potential Saul Within Us All
Leadership scandals may be popular, but they are hardly new. The big-name leaders who splatter the...