Pastoring Your Church After the Trigger is Pulled
Tucked away in 1 Chronicles is a curious description of a certain family of leaders – a...
Stumbling Blocks & Temptations of Pastors
For pastors and individuals in ministry, or who aspire to ministry, there can be a variety of temptations and stumbling blocks that they...
How Do We Know When It’s Time to Let Go? (Part I)
The following article is an excerpt from Letting Go, a book I wrote with Paul Gilbert that was recently published by Zondervan. This is...
Dr. Dan Allender on Leadership, Counseling, & Abuse
On this episode, Dave Harvey and Stephen Altrogge are joined by Dr. Dan Allender. Dr. Allender is...
Hope Deferred & The Pastor-In-Waiting
“What do I do while I wait?” It’s a question I’ve heard dozens of times. Trained men, ready to rumble for the gospel, can...
Ambition Without Risk? (Pt. 3)
Part One, Part Two The illusion of safety on American soil was shattered by 9/11. Collapsing along with the twin towers was the assumption...
How Should a Pastor Leave His Church?
When a pastor decides it is time to leave his current church, there are a variety of temptations...
Ambition and a Future Target (Pt. 2)
Part One, Part Three A few years ago, I heard an interview with a Christian college professor. Having logged three decades in the...
Ambition in a Post Modern World (Pt. 1)
Part Two, Part Three My dad was a steelworker in Pittsburgh. So was his father and his grandfather and, well, you get the picture. I worked...
My Calling; Their Help
It’s easy to spot a church planter. Typically, it’s a man full of ambition, captivated by the...