Dr. Carl Ellis, Jr. and Racial Justice
How Should Christians think about and deal with racial justice issues? Dave is joined by Dr. Carl...
Ronnie Martin on Creativity
Ronnie Martin on What Music, Writing, Preaching, and Social Media Have in Common. Dave and Jamin are joined on this episode by Ronnie...
How Should a Pastor or Church Leader View Parachurch Ministries?
I’m a pastor. Cut me and I bleed local church. Cut the church and I’m spoilin’ to protect her. As a pastor, even the threat of...
JR Vassar on Church Planting
Is a pastor unsuccessful if he moves on to another position? Dave and Jamin are joined on this...
The Need For External Confirmation
When it comes to evaluating the call to pastoral ministry, a personal sense of calling isn’t enough. The subjective sense of calling...
The Life-Giving Grace of a Broken Mentor by Zack Eswine
Recently I received some great news. My friend Zack Eswine – a gifted pastor and writer – is being encouraged by his local elders to...
How Do We Know When It’s Time to Let Go? (Part II)
We are enjoying a series of excerpts from Letting Go, a book I wrote with Paul Gilbert that was...
Why Leaders Must Wait for Those They Love
This article was originally published on The Gospel Coalition. As a leader, your heart breaks. It’s someone close to you—maybe a church...
Zack Eswine on Spurgeon & The Holy Spirit’s Role in Preaching
What is the Holy Spirit’s role in preaching and how did Charles Spurgeon experience the Spirit? On today’s episode, Dave and Jamin have...
Is Anyone Godly Enough To Be A Pastor?
When it comes to evaluating the call to pastoral ministry, the first question a man must ask...