How Should a Pastor or Church Leader View Parachurch Ministries?
I’m a pastor. Cut me and I bleed local church. Cut the church and I’m spoilin’ to...
JR Vassar on Church Planting
Is a pastor unsuccessful if he moves on to another position? Dave and Jamin are joined on this episode by JR Vassar. JR is a former planter...
The Need For External Confirmation
When it comes to evaluating the call to pastoral ministry, a personal sense of calling isn’t enough. The subjective sense of calling...
The Life-Giving Grace of a Broken Mentor by Zack Eswine
Recently I received some great news. My friend Zack Eswine – a gifted pastor and writer – is...
How Do We Know When It’s Time to Let Go? (Part II)
We are enjoying a series of excerpts from Letting Go, a book I wrote with Paul Gilbert that was recently published by Zondervan. Intro,...
Why Leaders Must Wait for Those They Love
This article was originally published on The Gospel Coalition. As a leader, your heart breaks. It’s someone close to you—maybe a church...
Zack Eswine on Spurgeon & The Holy Spirit’s Role in Preaching
What is the Holy Spirit’s role in preaching and how did Charles Spurgeon experience the Spirit?...
Is Anyone Godly Enough To Be A Pastor?
When it comes to evaluating the call to pastoral ministry, the first question a man must ask is: Am I godly? The moral requirements for a...
Pastoring Your Church After the Trigger is Pulled
Tucked away in 1 Chronicles is a curious description of a certain family of leaders – a line of mysterious men that traces all the...
Stumbling Blocks & Temptations of Pastors
For pastors and individuals in ministry, or who aspire to ministry, there can be a variety of...