Calling Question: On Pastoring A Wife with an Emotionally Abusive Husband
For today’s “Calling Question”, Dave provides insights for pastors on how to...
Elyse Fitzpatrick on Women & The Local Church
“What Women Wish Their Pastor’s Knew About Women.” This is one you won’t want to miss! On this episode, Elyse Fitzpatrick–a...
When Preaching Is Big & God Is Small
I’ve been a pastor for a long time, which is why it’s so perplexing to me that speaking in front of people still triggers a low-grade...
Easter & The Triumph of the Lamb
In anticipation of Easter, I want to explore the revelation John received as he went to worship on...
Afterword: Why I Wrote ”Rescuing Ambition”
Speaking of ambition . . . My ambition to write this book took shape over two decades of ministry as I observed a quirky awkwardness among...
Pete Greasley on Community & Longevity
The Surprising Connection Between Community and Longevity. On today’s episode, Dave and Pete Greasley– the pastor of Christchurch in...
Pete Greasley: Pastoring Millennials, Gen X-er’s & Boomers
Surprises in pastoring Millennials, Gen X-er’s and Boomers We are joined by our good friend, Pete...
7 Ways New Preachers Bat from the Wrong Side of the Plate
This article was originally published on The Gospel Coalition. My brother bats left-handed. It’s the strangest thing, because he does...
Todd Augustine on “Richard Baxter” (Pt.2)
Introducing A Titan of Practical Theology, Richard Baxter! Todd Augustine returns to discuss Richard Baxter’s ministry in greater...
Todd Augustine on “The Puritans” (Pt.1)
Why Every Church Leader Should Know the Puritans and Pastor Richard Baxter! On this new episode,...