Remembering God’s Faithfulness in the Face of a Detour
Traffic stood still. That’s never a good thing when you’re traversing the Pennsylvania...
Coronavirus and the Carnival of Judgment
Three days ago, I ran into a Starbucks to pick up my drink. The store had four other patrons: two masked customers awaiting their drinks...
5 Ways to Cherish Your Spouse (or fiance’!)
“You’re on autopilot and I’m feeling distant and dismissed.” Kimm said it, I owned it. It wasn’t the first time. Sadly, the...
How Do I Know If I Can Shepherd?
For some people, the word “shepherd” brings to mind watercolor paintings in church...
The Mirror of Marriage: Hope for Every Family
Okay, I’m going to say it now, and I want you to think about it. Are you ready? The whole idea of family, in the way we experience it on...
Confidence in God, Prayer & Leaving Shelter
They threw open the hurricane doors, two inches of stainless steel that defiantly sheltered them from the gales shredding their landscape....
When Pondering the Pain of Post-Pandemic Life, Stand on God’s Promises
As pandemics go, it’s a delicate moment. An occasional ray of progress is piercing our darkness...
Where’s God When COVID-19 Kills My Business?
Steve grew up in a single-parent family with a mom working two jobs to ensure her kids had food and clothing. He lived aware of all they...
Persevering Beyond The Pandemic
It’s the first sign of pandemic relief. All of the sudden, hospital discharges are greater than the number being admitted. Two states...
9 Ways the Gospel Speaks to Us During COVID-19
The following article was originally published on For The Church. Jerry Bridges once...