Written by 12:39 pm Ministry

JR Vassar on Church Planting

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Is a pastor unsuccessful if he moves on to another position?

Dave and Jamin are joined on this episode by JR Vassar. JR is a former planter in New York City who now pastors Church at the Cross in Grapevine, TX. Once the pastor of a thriving church with two campuses, JR felt called to step down from his position as Lead Pastor and move for the health of his family.

Following this background story, Dave, Jamin, and JR leap into discussing some specific situations in the world of church planting and pastoring. Topics discussed include:

  • The effects of transitioning from one pastorate to another position elsewhere
  • How the Gospel can be revealed at a greater level amidst uncertainty in transitioning
  • The Biblical idea of ‘’success’’ within ministry
  • When it’s NOT okay to leave one position for another

There is a lot packed into this episode and we pray that you find it beneficial in your planting and pastoring aspirations.

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