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The Dangerous Delight of Founding Desiring God

About this Episode

On this episode, Jon Bloom joins us. In 1994, Jon Bloom helped John Piper–pastor, speaker, author, theologian–launch a ministry called “Desiring God Ministries”. Desiring God has since become a worldwide ministry that regularly hosts conferences, produces books, and maintains a website that gets millions of visitors every year.

Jon Bloom currently serves as its president, and was kind enough to do an interview with Dave Harvey. In this episode of the Am I Called? podcast, Dave and Jon talk:

  • The humble beginnings of Desiring God.
  • John Piper’s technological side.
  • The challenges of being a “second in command” type guy.
  • Jon’s call to pastoral ministry.

You can listen using the player below, or by subscribing in iTunes.

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Tags: Last modified: May 12, 2023