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Ferguson Riots and Diversity In The Church – An Interview With Thabiti Anyabwile

In light of the recent events taking place in Ferguson, Missouri, we thought it would be appropriate to repost this conversation between Dave Harvey and Thabiti Anyabwile. Thabiti offers wise words to those trying to better understand all that has and is taking place in Ferguson. The discussion goes to Ferguson at the 12:40 mark.

  • Why Thabiti willingly chose to leave a pastorate in the Grand Cayman Islands.
  • Why the church should care about the racial tensions and violence in Ferguson, Missouri.
  • Practical steps for pastors who want to pursue ethnic diversity in their churches.
  • The significance of the resurgence of Reformed theology in African-American churches.

To listen to this podcast, you can download it on iTunes, or listen using the player below.


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Tags: Last modified: May 12, 2023